TSM - How to investigate an ANR2579E error
ANR2579E Schedule schedule name in domain domain name for node node name failed (return code return code).
Explanation: This message is displayed when a client reports failure in executing a scheduled action. The return code reported by the client is displayed.
System Action: Server operation continues.
User Response: Examine the node’s schedule log to determine the cause for the failure.
For example the following excerpt is from the TSM server activity log.
15-07-2009 22:20:40 ANR2579E Schedule NIGHTLY in domain BACKUP for node NODE1 failed (return code 12). (SESSION: 851146)
For this error we need to examine the client schedule log - To do this logon to the client and locate the schedule log. The schedule log file is typically stored in the same directory in which the TSM client software is installed in a file named dsmsched.log. The location of the log file can be specified using client options, so you may need to refer to the options file to see if the schedlogname option has been used to relocate the log file. When you have located the schedule log, you can search through the file to find the time period corresponding with the start date and time of the scheduled event in question.
Following is an excerpt taken from a client schedule log which shows that the scheduled event failed due to a restore that is currently running.
15-07-2009 22:20:40 ANS1999E Incremental processing of '/oradata1' stopped. 15-07-2009 22:20:40 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS BEGIN 15-07-2009 22:20:40 Total number of objects inspected: 884,742 15-07-2009 22:20:40 Total number of objects backed up: 1,678 15-07-2009 22:20:40 Total number of objects updated: 0 15-07-2009 22:20:40 Total number of objects rebound: 0 15-07-2009 22:20:40 Total number of objects deleted: 0 15-07-2009 22:20:40 Total number of objects expired: 1,267 15-07-2009 22:20:40 Total number of objects failed: 0 15-07-2009 22:20:40 Total number of bytes transferred: 151.35 MB 15-07-2009 22:20:40 Data transfer time: 22.05 sec 15-07-2009 22:20:40 Network data transfer rate: 7,027.07 KB/sec 15-07-2009 22:20:40 Aggregate data transfer rate: 183.40 KB/sec 15-07-2009 22:20:40 Objects compressed by: 0% 15-07-2009 22:20:40 Elapsed processing time: 00:14:05 15-07-2009 22:20:40 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS END 15-07-2009 22:20:40 ANS1330S This node currently has a pending restartable restore session. The requested operation cannot complete until this session either completes or is canceled. 15-07-2009 22:20:40 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT END NIGHTLY 15-07-2009 22:00:00 15-07-2009 22:20:40 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'NIGHTLY' failed. Return code = 12. 15-07-2009 22:20:40 Sending results for scheduled event 'NIGHTLY'. 15-07-2009 22:20:40 Results sent to server for scheduled event 'NIGHTLY'.