TSM - ANR8443E CHECKIN LIBVOLUME: Volume in library cannot be assigned a status of SCRATCH.


Check for ANR8443E errors in the TSM activity log with a command similar to the following.

q act begind=-1 begint=07:00 msg=8443

This will show any ANR8443E messages since 7:00am

Date/Time                Message
--------------------     ----------------------------------------------------------
17-12-2009 10:51:20      ANR8443E CHECKIN LIBVOLUME: Volume VOL1 in library 3583LIB 
    			 cannot be assigned a status of SCRATCH. 
                	 (SESSION: 2049805, PROCESS: 17386)


To look for successfully checked in volumes, use a command similiar to the following.

q act begind=-1 begint=07:00 msg=8430

Date/Time                Message
--------------------     ----------------------------------------------------------
12/17/2009 14:10:44      ANR8430I Volume VOL1 has been checked into library 3583LIB.
			 (SESSION: 2050385, PROCESS: 17400)